Craft, dedication, and passion produce the best results. This applies to many mediums, but for the Brothers Parris, the manifestation was in beer and music. They are kindred spirits to the Brothers Lopez with pizza and music. This collaboration was destiny.
Wake Brewing and LoPiez Pizza present The Iommi.
This slice follows legendary axeman Tony Iommi’s footsteps in creating a flavor distinguished by independence and daring. The Wizard himself could have imagined the Hand of Doom Stout & fennel caramelized onions paring with the bold flavor of LoPiez sauce and sausage, the briney depth of green olives, and the heat of charred serrano peppers. The Flavor of the Universe is written in this slice.
10% of all sales go to support the mission of Family resources of Davenport! Go to for more info...AND visit to learn more about WAKE BREWING!
